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3 bugs
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Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Nov 2010
Проживает: asd
Сообщений: 91
Возраст: 29


Talking Small Bugs found

I found this small bugs... ( The game files are not modified )

Shoot a wall with gauss:

The bug: the glow of the exit of the shoot is in air !

Egon beam dissapear if me move to a other sector:

Moving to other room...

( if me return to the initial point the beam show again, never stopping attack )

Default keys ignore the alternative key:


This is my small help for the engine

( Sorry my very bad english )

hl 4 ever

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Сообщение: 127614

Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 00:14
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Житель форума

Дата регистрации: Mar 2012
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Your pictures are too small.
Sorry, but my english is bad too.

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Сообщение: 127616

Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 07:20
- За что?
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Nov 2010
Проживает: asd
Сообщений: 91
Возраст: 29


antibiotik писал:
Your pictures are too small.
Sorry, but my english is bad too.

Yes, are too small, but the explanation of the bugs is clear...

hl 4 ever

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Сообщение: 127629

Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 12:41
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Житель форума

Дата регистрации: Feb 2013
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I think Uncle Mike known all this bugs .

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Сообщение: 127633

Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 13:04
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34866
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 38


[1 награда]

tolerance писал:
I think Uncle Mike known all this bugs

Прочитал как: "I think Uncle Mike is known for all his bugs".


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Сообщение: 127634

Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 13:06
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
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Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


С гауссом не смог воспроизвести.

Да, у эгона луч действительно пропадает, если стрелять и идти.
Забавно. Из PVS выпадает.

А кнопки в меню работают по другому.

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

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Старое сообщение 15-11-2013 15:43

Дата регистрации: Nov 2013
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 1
Возраст: 31


Hi everyone!

My first post here and since there is already a bunch of threads regarding bugs, I'll just post some of my findings in this one:

Fast weapon switching isn't working (invnext;+attack;wait;-attack) and I guess anything that includes wait command. Sometimes it works if there's a lot of NPCs on the screen. Or if you run Prime95 in the background.

If you exit the Hazard Course by activating the trigger at the end of the tunnel and try to start some map after that, triggers don't work anymore, the game becomes unplayable and must be restarted.

When the map changes and you're holding 2 buttons at the time (eg. when strafing), engine forgets that you're still holding the first one.

Dynamic lights (flashlight) don't have effect on chrome textures. Also, if you try to light up some NPC from about 90 degrees from above with flashlight, the light beam disappears.

After Resonance Cascade, (transition from map c1a0e -> c1a0c) music track should start playing, but it doesn't. However, if you change map after that transition to any map that doesn't trigger some music track, then the one that's supposed to play after Resonance Cascade will start.

When player loads a savegame, current cd track should probably stop because if savegame doesn't say that any track should be playing and some track is already playing at the time the save is loaded, it will continue even though it should be stopped.

Wrong ambient sounds are being played at certain locations (eg. in that area where used to be the tram that Gordon Freeman arrived with on map c1a1f), some sounds aren't being played at all (eg. geiger counter sound).

Some other small sound anomalies, which I don't know how to describe, but go and play Anomalous Materials chapter with the latest version of Xash3D build 2463 and pay attention to door sounds, now repeat the same with Xash3D 0.85 build 1540 or just plain Steam version of HL.
Also, in the first chapter of OP4, listen to the sound VOX makes when you try to open the door using a retinal scanner, in which the security guard and G-man are currently.

Some sounds cancel out other sounds. When you come inside that big teleporter room from where you go to XEN, scientist says to practice with your long jump module. Well, while his speech plays and if the sound of computer beeping triggers during his speech, his speech and talking animation will stop.

When you get out of the lab after Resonance Cascade and continue down the hallway, you see that machine explode and fall on the dead scientist, which should gib him, but it doesn't.

Intro scene in Opposing Force - when you see friendly chopper being destroyed, the guy on your left should start yelling about mission objectives, but he stays silent.

That would be it about most annoying issues. I hope I explained most of them well enough. I'm also attaching some modified code files for the engine fixing some really small issues like cvarlist, cmdlist,... commands not working if typed with parameters (if you want to search for cvar using wildcard pattern for example), cvars, cmds, aliases are now ordered alphabetically and some other small under-the-hood fixes not affecting gameplay. BTW, not sure if they're 100% perfect. I'd love to fix some more stuff, but well, it requires some time and a little more than just a rookie coder. But obviously I'll post back if I ever find anything else.

Other than that I have to say that this is really amazing project. Open-sourced engine that can run Half-Life, just unbelievable!

Вложение: xash_build2463_fixes.7z (31.0 кб)
Этот файл был скачан 667 раз.

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Сообщение: 127746

Старое сообщение 17-11-2013 22:19
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Oct 2011
Проживает: Unknown
Сообщений: 20
Возраст: 41


Freetype2 and Xash3D

Hey there i want ask Misha the key author of the engine.

I want add Freetype library to Xash3d but when use

GLuint list_base;

list_base = pglGenLists(128);

pglNewlist( list_base + i, GL_COMPILE); // Crash

pglTexCoord2f(0, 0); gl.pglVertex3f(0, bitmap->rows, 0);
pglTexCoord2f(0, texpropy); gl.pglVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
pglTexCoord2f(texpropx, texpropy); gl.pglVertex3f(bitmap->width, 0, 0);
pglTexCoord2f(texpropx, 0); gl.pglVertex3f(bitmap->width, bitmap->rows, 0);

pglEndList(); // Crash

Its instantly crash the engine and Newlist is a key func to get freetype work
Please help me how can solve this issue.


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Сообщение: 129198

Старое сообщение 20-12-2013 12:19
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34866
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 38


[1 награда]

Kendal писал:
pglNewlist( list_base + i, GL_COMPILE); // Crash

What is the "i"?


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Сообщение: 129199

Старое сообщение 20-12-2013 12:24
~ X ~

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Архангельск
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[1 награда]

лол, все фиксы с лучами давно профикшены в xdm. Разрешаю подсмотреть

Минутка полезного:
Бесплатный UT-подобный Half-Life mod.
Бесплатный редактор для 32-битных текстур. Без дотнета.
Бесплатный IDE для любых компиляторов и ЯП.
Бесплатная Windows-подобная ОС.
Проверка грамматики русского языка.
Чат по hl[fx]: [email protected]

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Сообщение: 129211

Старое сообщение 20-12-2013 17:43
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Oct 2011
Проживает: Unknown
Сообщений: 20
Возраст: 41


For Xaerox

Code snippet

for ( int i=0; i<128; i++)
//Load the Glyph for our character.
if(FT_Load_Glyph( face, FT_Get_Char_Index( face, i ), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ))
Msg( "FT_Load_Glyph failed\n");
return 1;

// Build bitmap
FT_Get_Glyph(face->glyph, &glyph);

// Convert the glyph to a bitmap
FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph, ft_render_mode_normal, 0, 1);

// This reference will make accessing the bitmap easier
bitglyph = (FT_BitmapGlyph*)&glyph;
bitmap = &((FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph)->bitmap;

w= 1;
while( w<bitmap->width)
w *= 2;

h= 1;
while( h<bitmap->rows)
h *= 2;

// alloc mem for bitmap
buffer2 = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof(byte)*2*w*h );

for ( ypos= 0; ypos<bitmap->rows; ypos++)
for ( xpos= 0; xpos<bitmap->width; xpos++)
buffer2[2*(xpos+ypos*w)] = bitmap->buffer[xpos+ypos*bitmap->width];
buffer2[2*(xpos+ypos*w)+1] = bitmap->buffer[xpos+ypos*bitmap->width];

GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, tex_base[i] );
pglNewList( list_base + i, GL_COMPILE); // Crash

pglEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// NOTE: use GL_Bind instead
//pglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_base[i]);



pglTranslatef((*bitglyph)->left, (*bitglyph)->top-bitmap->rows, 0);

// proportions of the texture that are the font (not padding)
texpropx = (float)bitmap->width / (float)w;
texpropy = (float)bitmap->rows / (float)h;

pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
pglTexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
pglVertex2f( 0, bitmap->rows );

pglTexCoord2f( 0, texpropy );
pglVertex2f( 0, 0 );

pglTexCoord2f( texpropx, texpropy );
pglVertex2f( bitmap->width, 0 );

pglTexCoord2f( texpropx, 0 );
pglVertex2f( bitmap->width, bitmap->rows );

pglTranslatef(face->glyph->advance.x >> 6, 0, 0);

pglEndList(); // Crash

delete[] buffer2;


Сообщить модератору | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 129212

Старое сообщение 20-12-2013 18:53
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34866
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 38


[1 награда]

pglTexImage2D inside the list compilation block.
And mysterious pglTranslatef right after.
GL_Bind outside the list block - holy cow, why?!
The whole snippet looks like crap (sorry, no offence).


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Сообщение: 129213

Старое сообщение 20-12-2013 19:21

Дата регистрации: Oct 2011
Проживает: Unknown
Сообщений: 20
Возраст: 41


Well now i modify the code part to this


Free type Init here just not copy paste the code now

// bind the glyps
GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, tex_base[i] );


pglTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height,

Mem_Free( buffer2 );

texpropx = (float)bitmap->width / (float)w;
texpropy = (float)bitmap->rows / (float)h;

pglNewList( list_base + i, GL_COMPILE);

// Bind again for a reason
GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, tex_base[i] );

// Step a little left find the 1st glyp

// Step a little down only used for y or g char

pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
pglTexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
pglVertex2f( 0, bitmap->rows );

pglTexCoord2f( 0, texpropy );
pglVertex2f( 0, 0 );

pglTexCoord2f( texpropx, texpropy );
pglVertex2f( bitmap->width, 0 );

pglTexCoord2f( texpropx, 0 );
pglVertex2f( bitmap->width, bitmap->rows );

pglTranslatef(face->glyph->advance.x >> 6, 0, 0);


// Free Freetype Faces

// Free Freetype Glyph(s)

// Free Freetype Library

The Code work now
Thx the instructions Xaerox


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Сообщение: 129214

Старое сообщение 21-12-2013 08:37
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34866
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 38


[1 награда]

Does GL_Bind maintain some internal state? Im pretty sure it does.
Then you need to call glBindTexture directly otherwise in some situations texture binding won't get compiled into a display list.


Сообщить модератору | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 129215

Старое сообщение 21-12-2013 08:43

Дата регистрации: Oct 2011
Проживает: Unknown
Сообщений: 20
Возраст: 41


Resoult ( i use Quake.ttf for test )

Link : http://i39.tinypic.com/33ll02a.jpg

But i think pglTranslatef need a bit higher number for the rows coz the small
chars really unreadable or i just shift to Arial.ttf


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Сообщение: 129217

Старое сообщение 21-12-2013 11:24
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