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Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


[Help] A little issue with Xash3D

Hello everybody ! It's me again. I would like to know guys if Xash3D or GoldSrc have a limited size for models, specifically player models, since i'm modelling a player model for a mod 'm working on (of course, built on Xash3D) and it only recognizes the idle animation.
My question is, do we have a limited size for the model? If not, how do we make other animations work, not just the idle one? Do I need to get involved with coding for it? (please god no D:!)

Thank you so much guys!

PS: i'm adding a picture comparing the size between normal HL models and my model.

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Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114406

Старое сообщение 01-02-2013 14:54
- За что?
Мастер Ёда из Деревни Дуракоф

Дата регистрации: Apr 2007
Проживает: В Деревне дураков
Сообщений: 6766
Возраст: 33


ADTeam you need coding to change some size values. To get animations work you must use a correct qc file with ACT_'s and proper animations' names. Number and sequence of animations in your model must match player.mdl in models folder.

P.S. and of corse you have to modify map compilers to match new hull sizes. And recompile your maps to get it all work right.

Отредактировано Ku2zoff 01-02-2013 в 15:40

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114410

Старое сообщение 01-02-2013 15:34
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


u.u oh god, please no... I can't code anything at all, I though that animations had the right name :S is there anything wrong?


"$scale 1.0

// set hitboxes
$hbox 1 "Pelvis" -2.42 -1.57 -2.00 2.42 1.42 2.00
$hbox 2 "Abdomen" -2.00 -1.57 -1.00 2.00 1.42 2.00
$hbox 3 "Pecho" -3.00 -2.19 0.00 3.00 2.04 5.00
$hbox 4 "BD1" -0.92 -1.32 -0.23 1.07 1.02 2.00
$hbox 4 "BD2" -1.00 -0.78 -0.01 0.86 0.78 3.66
$hbox 4 "BDM" -0.81 -0.87 -0.65 0.53 0.58 0.88
$hbox 5 "BI1" -0.94 -1.02 -0.23 1.05 1.32 2.00
$hbox 5 "BI2" -0.87 -0.78 -0.01 0.99 0.78 3.66
$hbox 5 "BIM" -0.55 -0.87 -0.65 0.79 0.58 0.88
$hbox 6 "Cabeza" -2.00 -2.57 -2.00 2.00 1.42 3.00
$hbox 7 "PD1" -1.14 -0.84 0.00 0.81 1.10 4.01
$hbox 7 "PD2" -1.39 -0.98 -0.05 1.24 0.91 2.39
$hbox 7 "PD3" -1.37 -0.74 -0.84 1.11 0.43 1.82
$hbox 8 "PI1" -1.11 -1.10 0.00 0.83 0.84 4.01
$hbox 8 "PI2" -1.32 -0.91 -0.05 1.30 0.98 2.39
$hbox 8 "PI3" -1.31 -0.43 -0.84 1.17 0.74 1.82

// bodygroups: use relative path from $cd
$bodygroup body
studio "./reference"

// sequences: all sequences are in $cd
$sequence idle "idle" loop fps 4 ACT_IDLE 1
$sequence walk "walk" LX loop fps 12 ACT_WALK 1"

Valve's model (Recon.mdl)

"$scale 1.0

// 3 attachments
$attachment 0 "Bip01 R Hand" 20.000000 2.000000 5.000000
$attachment 1 "Bip01 R Hand" 15.000000 1.500000 3.750000
$attachment 2 "Bip01 R Hand" 30.000000 3.000000 7.500000

// 4 bone controllers
$controller 0 "Bip01 Spine" XR -30 30
$controller 1 "Bip01 Spine1" XR -30 30
$controller 2 "Bip01 Spine2" XR -30 30
$controller 3 "Bip01 Spine3" XR -30 30

// 20 hit boxes
$hbox 3 "Bip01 Pelvis" -4.690000 -4.440000 -6.750000 4.000000 5.560000 6.750000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Leg" 2.660000 -3.690000 -3.090000 18.160000 4.880000 3.310000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Leg1" 0.380000 -3.970000 -2.840000 17.600000 4.000000 2.940000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Foot" -0.590000 -2.340000 -2.630000 3.790000 8.000000 2.190000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Leg" 2.470000 -3.690000 -3.160000 18.129999 4.880000 3.380000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Leg1" 0.310000 -3.970000 -2.840000 17.600000 3.940000 2.970000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Foot" -0.560000 -2.340000 -2.190000 3.810000 8.000000 2.660000
$hbox 3 "Bip01 Spine1" -3.250000 -5.500000 -5.500000 4.830000 5.500000 5.500000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Spine2" -0.060000 -5.530000 -7.590000 8.000000 7.000000 7.590000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Spine3" -2.250000 -6.810000 -6.310000 6.500000 5.090000 6.310000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Neck" -3.110000 -1.500000 -3.000000 2.050000 3.500000 3.000000
$hbox 1 "Bip01 Head" 0.090000 -3.660000 -3.000000 8.410000 5.090000 3.000000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Arm" 0.940000 -2.880000 -4.130000 5.440000 4.280000 3.500000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Arm1" -2.160000 -2.340000 -2.560000 11.560000 3.410000 2.380000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Arm2" 0.590000 -1.810000 -2.190000 10.750000 2.840000 2.410000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Hand" 0.000000 -1.000000 -2.000000 3.000000 1.500000 3.500000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Arm" 1.380000 -2.840000 -3.560000 5.690000 4.310000 4.310000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Arm1" -1.880000 -2.470000 -2.160000 11.810000 3.280000 2.810000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Arm2" 0.440000 -1.970000 -2.340000 10.590000 2.720000 2.220000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Hand" 0.000000 -1.000000 -2.000000 3.000000 1.500000 3.500000

$bodygroup body
studio "../dmatch/highcount/recon/recon_reference"

// 77 sequences
$sequence look_idle "look_idle" loop fps 14 ACT_IDLE 2
$sequence idle "idle" loop fps 14 ACT_IDLE 1
$sequence deep_idle "deep_idle" loop fps 12 ACT_IDLE 4
$sequence run2 "run2" LX loop fps 40 ACT_RUN 1
$sequence walk2handed "walk2handed" LX loop fps 26 ACT_WALK 1
$sequence 2handshoot "2handshoot" fps 20 ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 1
$sequence crawl "crawl" LX loop fps 22 ACT_CROUCH 1
$sequence crouch_idle "crouch_idle" loop fps 12 ACT_CROUCHIDLE 1
$sequence jump "jump" fps 30 ACT_HOP 1
$sequence long_jump "long_jump" LX fps 24 ACT_LEAP 1
$sequence swim "swim" loop fps 14 ACT_SWIM 1
$sequence treadwater "treadwater" loop fps 14 ACT_HOVER 1
$sequence run "run" LX loop fps 31
$sequence walk "walk" LX loop fps 31
$sequence aim_2 "aim_2_blend1" "aim_2_blend2" loop fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence shoot_2 "shoot_2_blend1" "shoot_2_blend2" loop fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence aim_1 "aim_1_blend1" "aim_1_blend2" loop fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence shoot_1 "shoot_1_blend1" "shoot_1_blend2" loop fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence die_simple "die_simple" fps 22 ACT_DIESIMPLE 1 { event 2001 9 }
$sequence die_backwards1 "die_backwards1" fps 26 ACT_DIEBACKWARD 4 { event 2001 13 }
$sequence die_backwards "die_backwards" fps 30 ACT_DIEBACKWARD 1 { event 2001 15 }
$sequence die_forwards "die_forwards" fps 26 ACT_DIEFORWARD 1 { event 2001 8 }
$sequence headshot "headshot" fps 24 ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT 4 { event 2001 22 }
$sequence die_spin "die_spin" fps 30 ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT 1 { event 2001 16 }
$sequence gutshot "gutshot" fps 26 ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT 1 { event 2001 22 }
$sequence ref_aim_crowbar "ref_aim_crowbar_blend1" "ref_aim_crowbar_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_crowbar "ref_shoot_crowbar_blend1" "ref_shoot_crowbar_blend2" fps 24 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_crowbar "crouch_aim_crowbar_blend1" "crouch_aim_crowbar_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_crowbar "crouch_shoot_crowbar_blend1" "crouch_shoot_crowbar_blend2" fps 24 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_trip "ref_aim_trip_blend1" "ref_aim_trip_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_trip "ref_shoot_trip_blend1" "ref_shoot_trip_blend2" fps 18 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_trip "crouch_aim_trip_blend1" "crouch_aim_trip_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_trip "crouch_shoot_trip_blend1" "crouch_shoot_trip_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_onehanded "ref_aim_onehanded_blend1" "ref_aim_onehanded_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -50 35
$sequence ref_shoot_onehanded "ref_shoot_onehanded_blend1" "ref_shoot_onehanded_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -50 35 { event 5011 0 "21" }
$sequence crouch_aim_onehanded "crouch_aim_onehanded_blend1" "crouch_aim_onehanded_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -50 35
$sequence crouch_shoot_onehanded "crouch_shoot_onehanded_blend1" "crouch_shoot_onehanded_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -50 35 { event 5011 0 "21" }
$sequence ref_aim_python "ref_aim_python_blend1" "ref_aim_python_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -50 35
$sequence ref_shoot_python "ref_shoot_python_blend1" "ref_shoot_python_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -50 35 { event 5011 0 "31" }
$sequence crouch_aim_python "crouch_aim_python_blend1" "crouch_aim_python_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -50 35
$sequence crouch_shoot_python "crouch_shoot_python_blend1" "crouch_shoot_python_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -50 35 { event 5011 0 "31" }
$sequence ref_aim_shotgun "ref_aim_shotgun_blend1" "ref_aim_shotgun_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_shotgun "ref_shoot_shotgun_blend1" "ref_shoot_shotgun_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45 { event 5021 0 "51" }
$sequence crouch_aim_shotgun "crouch_aim_shotgun_blend1" "crouch_aim_shotgun_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_shotgun "crouch_shoot_shotgun_blend1" "crouch_shoot_shotgun_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45 { event 5021 0 "51" }
$sequence ref_aim_gauss "ref_aim_gauss_blend1" "ref_aim_gauss_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_gauss "ref_shoot_gauss_blend1" "ref_shoot_gauss_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_gauss "crouch_aim_gauss_blend1" "crouch_aim_gauss_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_gauss "crouch_shoot_gauss_blend1" "crouch_shoot_gauss_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_mp5 "ref_aim_mp5_blend1" "ref_aim_mp5_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_mp5 "ref_shoot_mp5_blend1" "ref_shoot_mp5_blend2" loop fps 20 blend XR -45 45 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence crouch_aim_mp5 "crouch_aim_mp5_blend1" "crouch_aim_mp5_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -30 40
$sequence crouch_shoot_mp5 "crouch_shoot_mp5_blend1" "crouch_shoot_mp5_blend2" loop fps 20 blend XR -30 40 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence ref_aim_rpg "ref_aim_rpg_blend1" "ref_aim_rpg_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 40
$sequence ref_shoot_rpg "ref_shoot_rpg_blend1" "ref_shoot_rpg_blend2" fps 18 blend XR -45 40
$sequence crouch_aim_rpg "crouch_aim_rpg_blend1" "crouch_aim_rpg_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 40
$sequence crouch_shoot_rpg "crouch_shoot_rpg_blend1" "crouch_shoot_rpg_blend2" fps 18 blend XR -45 40
$sequence ref_aim_egon "ref_aim_egon_blend1" "ref_aim_egon_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 35
$sequence ref_shoot_egon "ref_shoot_egon_blend1" "ref_shoot_egon_blend2" loop fps 18 blend XR -45 35
$sequence crouch_aim_egon "crouch_aim_egon_blend1" "crouch_aim_egon_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_egon "crouch_shoot_egon_blend1" "crouch_shoot_egon_blend2" loop fps 18 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_squeak "ref_aim_squeak_blend1" "ref_aim_squeak_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_squeak "ref_shoot_squeak_blend1" "ref_shoot_squeak_blend2" fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_squeak "crouch_aim_squeak_blend1" "crouch_aim_squeak_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_squeak "crouch_shoot_squeak_blend1" "crouch_shoot_squeak_blend2" fps 14 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_hive "ref_aim_hive_blend1" "ref_aim_hive_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_hive "ref_shoot_hive_blend1" "ref_shoot_hive_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_hive "crouch_aim_hive_blend1" "crouch_aim_hive_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_hive "crouch_shoot_hive_blend1" "crouch_shoot_hive_blend2" fps 15 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_aim_bow "ref_aim_bow_blend1" "ref_aim_bow_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence ref_shoot_bow "ref_shoot_bow_blend1" "ref_shoot_bow_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_aim_bow "crouch_aim_bow_blend1" "crouch_aim_bow_blend2" loop fps 12 blend XR -45 45
$sequence crouch_shoot_bow "crouch_shoot_bow_blend1" "crouch_shoot_bow_blend2" fps 16 blend XR -45 45
$sequence deadback "deadback" fps 10
$sequence deadsitting "deadsitting" fps 10
$sequence deadstomach "deadstomach" fps 10
$sequence deadtable "deadtable" fps 10"

of course, it has too many damn animations, more than mine, but is there anything wrong about my animation?

Also Ku2zOff, what should I modify (code) to make it work properly? Thank you!

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114450

Старое сообщение 01-02-2013 23:13
- За что?
Житель форума

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Apr 2006
Проживает: На берегу очень дикой реки
Сообщений: 815


Please, make it clear, is your model it's a player's model? Or it just sharing same animations? Because player's model in GoldSrc must have a standard size and skeleton to work properly. If it's an NPC model, it can be bigger or smaller, there are should be no problems, if the model and its' animations are scaled properly. It's even possible to change a size of NPCs or monsters in a game without changing any models themselves (it's just required some coding). For example - mods Big Scientists or City Crush.

If you need only a real rescaling of the model (for NPC or monster), you should decompile it, change the $scale value in QC and compile it again (with all of its' animations). And remove all parameters of the hitboxes from QC before recompiling, otherwise after the changing of the size they will be wrong. If you will be lucky enough, the compiler will create all needed hitboxes automatically. But maybe you will need a to set some hitboxes manually.

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114453

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 00:50
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


orry Qwertus, yes, its a player model, I want to use it as my own player model for the mod i'm creating. It doesnt share any animation with the valve model, all the animations were made from scratch for me. About the skeleton and the size to make it work properly, I dont know if the skeleton i made is the right one, nor the size, since it's really small in comparisson (as seen in the pic).
So i'm really lost with this thing, what should i do? If the skeleton is the problem, how can i fix it? And the size (its obviously not the same as the default in GoldSrc) how can i make it work without modifiying it? I want to keep it the size it has right now.

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114457

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 03:59
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Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Aug 2010
Проживает: На Белом свете!
Сообщений: 1003
Возраст: 30


ADTeam Your model is Somos-baby ??

How interesting, just look at that!
© Scientist

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Сообщение: 114475

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 10:32
- За что?
Житель форума

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Apr 2006
Проживает: На берегу очень дикой реки
Сообщений: 815


If your model's animations are working correctly in ModelViewer, and not working only in a game - it's a problem of coding.
If your model's animations aren't working even in ModelViewer - it's your fail with modelling.

And anyways, you can't make properly working in-game small player's model, especially with different skeleton, without coding at all. Something will definitely work wrong in the game (especially if it's a multiplayer mod).

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114476

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 10:55
- За что?
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32641
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


The bones should be named as follows:

C++ Source Code:
0 "Bip01" -1
1 "Bip01 Pelvis" 0
2 "Bip01 L Leg" 1
3 "Bip01 L Leg1" 2
4 "Bip01 L Foot" 3
5 "Bip01 R Leg" 1
6 "Bip01 R Leg1" 5
7 "Bip01 R Foot" 6
8 "Bip01 Spine" 1
9 "Bip01 Spine1" 8
10 "Bip01 Spine2" 9
11 "Bip01 Spine3" 10
12 "Bip01 Neck" 11
13 "Bip01 Head" 12
14 "Bip01 L Arm" 12
15 "Bip01 L Arm1" 14
16 "Bip01 L Arm2" 15
17 "Bip01 L Hand" 16
18 "Bip01 L Finger1" 17
19 "Bip01 L Finger11" 18
20 "Bip01 L Finger12" 19
21 "Bip01 R Arm" 12
22 "Bip01 R Arm1" 21
23 "Bip01 R Arm2" 22
24 "Bip01 R Hand" 23
25 "Bip01 R Finger1" 24
26 "Bip01 R Finger11" 25
27 "Bip01 R Finger12" 26
28 "Dummy08" 13
29 "Bone02" 28
30 "Dummy04" 13
31 "Bone05" 30
32 "Dummy03" 13
33 "Bone07" 32
34 "Dummy10" 13
35 "Bone13" 34
36 "Bip01 L Finger0" 17
37 "Bip01 L Finger01" 36
38 "Bip01 L Finger02" 37
39 "Bip01 R Finger0" 24
40 "Bip01 R Finger01" 39
41 "Bip01 R Finger02" 40

Otherwise player model can't walking properly

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C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114481

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 13:48

Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


Qwertyus, model animations work perfect in model viewer, they don't work in game, so I assume it's a coding trouble then.
Also, now I understand that only coding it will work with the size I wan't, but, what should I modify/code?

Дядя Миша, can you modify those values to the ones depicted in my model? Or at least tell me how to modify them so it can work? I can open .cpp files, and write the new lines, but I need you to tell me how, and what to type.

I'm atacching a .rar with the skeleton of my model, with all the bone names included, so you can see if there's possible to modify the C++ source code and adapt it to my new bones.

Thank you guys, you are really helping me a lot!

Добавлено 02-02-2013 в 13:10:

"ADTeam Your model is Somos-baby ??"

I don't know what do you mean, who is Somos :O?

Вложение: bonesmymodeladteam.rar (0.6 кб)
Этот файл был скачан 1235 раз.

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Сообщение: 114486

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 15:10
- За что?
Житель форума

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Apr 2006
Проживает: На берегу очень дикой реки
Сообщений: 815


Looks like this skeleton is too different. It has another quantity of joints in the spine, another joints' placement and another order of their attaching to each other.

I've renamed all bones, but I'm not sure, that it can help.

Вложение: bonesmymodeladteam.rar (0.5 кб)
Этот файл был скачан 1195 раз.

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114490

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 16:31
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


Thanks Qwertyus, but it didn't work. I replaced the bone names but it still works the same. When i compile the map, the game starts, then my model is displayed with the static animation, and a few feets above the ground, and when i walk it just keeps with the static (idle) animation, also the model is as i said before, a few feets above the ground, like if the engine where putting it on the pelvis of the Valve's model skeleton, its weird, only when i crouch my model gets i the same level as the ground, but that's it. And sadly, walk animation is never displayed :C

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114493

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 17:51
- За что?

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Aug 2010
Проживает: На Белом свете!
Сообщений: 1003
Возраст: 30


ADTeam писал:
who is Somos :O?

You don't know somos???

[ Вложение ]

How interesting, just look at that!
© Scientist

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 114506

Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 19:21
- За что?

Дата регистрации: Feb 2012
Проживает: Far away... Nah, just in Glew.
Сообщений: 8
Возраст: 30


-=DrTressi=- :O i swear no, I don't. Anyways, the NeoTrooper isn't related to the character you are showing me (NeoTrooper is the denomination I gave to my character, since it's kinda a parody to Star Wars StormTroopers) But interesting concept you gave me...

Добавлено 02-02-2013 в 19:08:

(also, in my language somos means "we are", i'm argentinian )

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Старое сообщение 02-02-2013 21:08
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