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HLFX.Ru Forum HLFX.Ru Forum > Теория и практика > Half-Life SDK > Исходный код CS1.6
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 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


XaeroX а нафига портировать? Изучить основные принципы таксказать. Если уж человек считает, что ему есть что добавить к геймплею контры, то уж такие орешки он должен на раз раскусывать.

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48888

Старое сообщение 22-11-2009 14:12
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 90


А выж говорили, шо функ_викля есть в свободном доступе... Я не нашёл... Может конечно не слишком усердно искал, но как не напиши ключевые слова, все равно, как минимум 80% результатов - учебники по маппингу

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48891

Старое сообщение 23-11-2009 03:02
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34527
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

Вот код func_vehicle из мода Lazarus для Quake 2.
Может быть, придумаешь, как портировать его в халфу.

Вложение: game.zip (21.8 кб)
Этот файл был скачан 341 раз.
XaeroX проверил это вложение на вирусы 23-11-2009 в 06:30


Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48892

Старое сообщение 23-11-2009 06:30
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


MadKing писал:
А выж говорили, шо функ_викля есть в свободном доступе... Я не нашёл...

ну грохнули тот сайт - мы-то тут причем. Буквально летом он еще фунциклировал. Ксерокс не даст соврать.

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48893

Старое сообщение 23-11-2009 07:51
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 90


Дядя Миша, Да я ведь ни в чем не обвиняю Жаль конечно что закрыли сайтик... ну... посмотрим ваш lazarus

Добавлено 24-11-2009 в 05:10:

Такс.... формат файлов - .c ну слава богу хоть на Си написано.... я то испугался придется из Ассамблера код вытягивать

Добавлено 24-11-2009 в 05:16:

Посмотрел.. (кстати спасибо ).... букавок много, но ничем особым от C++ в HL не отличается, есть конечно парочка моментов...

#include "g_local.h"

qboolean wasonground;
qboolean onconveyor;

XaeroX , кинь ещё g_local.h

Добавлено 24-11-2009 в 05:24:

Так, это был g_phys.c....
Ща посмотрим g_vehicle.c...

Добавлено 24-11-2009 в 05:27:

Он тоже требует g_local.h
И странностей гораздо больше
self->die = func_vehicle_explode;
Это как???
void func_vehicle_explode (edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point)

Разве можно передать перменной void?????

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48898

Старое сообщение 24-11-2009 02:27
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34527
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

MadKing писал:
кинь ещё g_local.h

А что именно тебе оттуда надо? Разве что дефайн MOVETYPE_VEHICLE... Ну так ты его можешь сам задать. Выбирай незанятый халфой дефайн и все.
MadKing писал:
Это как???

Это указатель на функцию.

Добавлено 24-11-2009 в 15:44:

MadKing писал:

А это самый обычный халфовский BOOL.


Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48900

Старое сообщение 24-11-2009 09:44
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


Я давным давно уже говорил - незамутненных кодеров указатель на функцию вводит в ступор. Хотя они постоянно юзают тчинки и тоучи в халфе и совершенно не обращают на это внимания.

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48901

Старое сообщение 24-11-2009 11:26
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 90


Я уже додумался... незадолго после того, как я напсиал своё предыдущее сообщение

XaeroX писал:
А это самый обычный халфовский BOOL.

Ок, то есть надо будет просто поменять их на бул?

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48905

Старое сообщение 24-11-2009 14:47
- За что?
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


MadKing писал:
Ок, то есть надо будет просто поменять их на бул?

на большой BOOL, на маленький нежелательно.

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 48907

Старое сообщение 24-11-2009 15:26
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 90


Ок, ок.... ну попробуем... да, не плохо бы посмотреть его в действии в том моде кваки,....

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 06:35:

Сначала выдавал много ошибок (136) BOOL сделал не нашёл где дефайны эти писать... на клиенте шоли????

Короче сейчас я заменил .c на .cpp, затем написал в обоих файлах #include "util.h"(а предыдущий #include "g_local.h" закоментил) и теперь вот что он мне пишет(приведенный здесь файл не менял):


--------------------Configuration: hl - Win32 Release--------------------
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\enginecallback.h(22) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'g_engfuncs'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\enginecallback.h(22) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\enginecallback.h(22) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'g_engfuncs'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\enginecallback.h(22) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
Error executing cl.exe.

hl.dll - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Вот сам файл:
* Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology © 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#pragma once

#include "event_flags.h"

// Must be provided by user of this code
extern enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs;

// The actual engine callbacks
#define GETPLAYERUSERID (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetPlayerUserId)
#define PRECACHE_MODEL (*g_engfuncs.pfnPrecacheModel)
#define PRECACHE_SOUND (*g_engfuncs.pfnPrecacheSound)
#define PRECACHE_GENERIC (*g_engfuncs.pfnPrecacheGeneric)
#define SET_MODEL (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetModel)
#define MODEL_INDEX (*g_engfuncs.pfnModelIndex)
#define MODEL_FRAMES (*g_engfuncs.pfnModelFrames)
#define SET_SIZE (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetSize)
#define CHANGE_LEVEL (*g_engfuncs.pfnChangeLevel)
#define GET_SPAWN_PARMS (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetSpawnParms)
#define SAVE_SPAWN_PARMS (*g_engfuncs.pfnSaveSpawnParms)
#define VEC_TO_YAW (*g_engfuncs.pfnVecToYaw)
#define VEC_TO_ANGLES (*g_engfuncs.pfnVecToAngles)
#define MOVE_TO_ORIGIN (*g_engfuncs.pfnMoveToOrigin)
#define oldCHANGE_YAW (*g_engfuncs.pfnChangeYaw)
#define CHANGE_PITCH (*g_engfuncs.pfnChangePitch)
#define MAKE_VECTORS (*g_engfuncs.pfnMakeVectors)
#define CREATE_ENTITY (*g_engfuncs.pfnCreateEntity)
#define REMOVE_ENTITY (*g_engfuncs.pfnRemoveEntity)
#define CREATE_NAMED_ENTITY (*g_engfuncs.pfnCreateNamedEntity)
#define MAKE_STATIC (*g_engfuncs.pfnMakeStatic)
#define ENT_IS_ON_FLOOR (*g_engfuncs.pfnEntIsOnFloor)
#define DROP_TO_FLOOR (*g_engfuncs.pfnDropToFloor)
#define WALK_MOVE (*g_engfuncs.pfnWalkMove)
#define SET_ORIGIN (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetOrigin)
#define EMIT_SOUND_DYN2 (*g_engfuncs.pfnEmitSound)
#define BUILD_SOUND_MSG (*g_engfuncs.pfnBuildSoundMsg)
#define TRACE_LINE (*g_engfuncs.pfnTraceLine)
#define TRACE_TOSS (*g_engfuncs.pfnTraceToss)
#define TRACE_MONSTER_HULL (*g_engfuncs.pfnTraceMonsterHull)
#define TRACE_HULL (*g_engfuncs.pfnTraceHull)
#define GET_AIM_VECTOR (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetAimVector)
#define SERVER_COMMAND (*g_engfuncs.pfnServerCommand)
#define SERVER_EXECUTE (*g_engfuncs.pfnServerExecute)
#define CLIENT_COMMAND (*g_engfuncs.pfnClientCommand)
#define PARTICLE_EFFECT (*g_engfuncs.pfnParticleEffect)
#define LIGHT_STYLE (*g_engfuncs.pfnLightStyle)
#define DECAL_INDEX (*g_engfuncs.pfnDecalIndex)
#define POINT_CONTENTS (*g_engfuncs.pfnPointContents)
#define CRC32_INIT (*g_engfuncs.pfnCRC32_Init)
#define CRC32_PROCESS_BUFFER (*g_engfuncs.pfnCRC32_ProcessBuffer)
#define CRC32_PROCESS_BYTE (*g_engfuncs.pfnCRC32_ProcessByte)
#define CRC32_FINAL (*g_engfuncs.pfnCRC32_Final)
#define RANDOM_LONG (*g_engfuncs.pfnRandomLong)
#define RANDOM_FLOAT (*g_engfuncs.pfnRandomFloat)
#define GETPLAYERAUTHID (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetPlayerAuthId)

inline void MESSAGE_BEGIN( int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin = NULL, edict_t *ed = NULL ) {
(*g_engfuncs.pfnMessageBegin)(msg_dest, msg_type, pOrigin, ed);
#define MESSAGE_END (*g_engfuncs.pfnMessageEnd)
#define WRITE_BYTE (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteByte)
#define WRITE_CHAR (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteChar)
#define WRITE_SHORT (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteShort)
#define WRITE_LONG (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteLong)
#define WRITE_ANGLE (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteAngle)
#define WRITE_COORD (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteCoord)
#define WRITE_STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteString)
#define WRITE_ENTITY (*g_engfuncs.pfnWriteEntity)
#define CVAR_REGISTER (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarRegister)
#define CVAR_GET_FLOAT (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarGetFloat)
#define CVAR_GET_STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarGetString)
#define CVAR_SET_FLOAT (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarSetFloat)
#define CVAR_SET_STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarSetString)
#define CVAR_GET_POINTER (*g_engfuncs.pfnCVarGetPointer)
#define ALERT (*g_engfuncs.pfnAlertMessage)
#define ENGINE_FPRINTF (*g_engfuncs.pfnEngineFprintf)
#define ALLOC_PRIVATE (*g_engfuncs.pfnPvAllocEntPrivateData)
inline void *GET_PRIVATE( edict_t *pent )
if ( pent )
return pent->pvPrivateData;
return NULL;

#define FREE_PRIVATE (*g_engfuncs.pfnFreeEntPrivateData)
//#define STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnSzFromIndex)
#define ALLOC_STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnAllocString)
#define FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING (*g_engfuncs.pfnFindEntityByString)
#define GETENTITYILLUM (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetEntityIllum)
#define FIND_ENTITY_IN_SPHERE (*g_engfuncs.pfnFindEntityInSphere)
#define FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS (*g_engfuncs.pfnFindClientInPVS)
#define EMIT_AMBIENT_SOUND (*g_engfuncs.pfnEmitAmbientSound)
#define GET_MODEL_PTR (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetModelPtr)
#define REG_USER_MSG (*g_engfuncs.pfnRegUserMsg)
#define GET_BONE_POSITION (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetBonePosition)
#define FUNCTION_FROM_NAME (*g_engfuncs.pfnFunctionFromName)
#define NAME_FOR_FUNCTION (*g_engfuncs.pfnNameForFunction)
#define TRACE_TEXTURE (*g_engfuncs.pfnTraceTexture)
#define CLIENT_PRINTF (*g_engfuncs.pfnClientPrintf)
#define CMD_ARGS (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Args)
#define CMD_ARGC (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Argc)
#define CMD_ARGV (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Argv)
#define GET_ATTACHMENT (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetAttachment)
#define SET_VIEW (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetView)
#define SET_CROSSHAIRANGLE (*g_engfuncs.pfnCrosshairAngle)
#define LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME (*g_engfuncs.pfnLoadFileForMe)
#define FREE_FILE (*g_engfuncs.pfnFreeFile)
#define COMPARE_FILE_TIME (*g_engfuncs.pfnCompareFileTime)
#define GET_GAME_DIR (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetGameDir)
#define IS_MAP_VALID (*g_engfuncs.pfnIsMapValid)
#define NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES (*g_engfuncs.pfnNumberOfEntities)
#define IS_DEDICATED_SERVER (*g_engfuncs.pfnIsDedicatedServer)

#define PRECACHE_EVENT (*g_engfuncs.pfnPrecacheEvent)
#define PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL (*g_engfuncs.pfnPlaybackEvent)

#define ENGINE_SET_PVS (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetFatPVS)
#define ENGINE_SET_PAS (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetFatPAS)

#define ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY (*g_engfuncs.pfnCheckVisibility)

#define DELTA_SET ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaSetField )
#define DELTA_UNSET ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaUnsetField )
#define DELTA_ADDENCODER ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaAddEncoder )
#define ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER ( *g_engfuncs.pfnGetCurrentPlayer )

#define ENGINE_CANSKIP ( *g_engfuncs.pfnCanSkipPlayer )

#define DELTA_FINDFIELD ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaFindField )
#define DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaSetFieldByIndex )
#define DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( *g_engfuncs.pfnDeltaUnsetFieldByIndex )

#define ENGINE_GETPHYSINFO ( *g_engfuncs.pfnGetPhysicsInfoString )

#define ENGINE_SETGROUPMASK ( *g_engfuncs.pfnSetGroupMask )

#define ENGINE_INSTANCE_BASELINE ( *g_engfuncs.pfnCreateInstancedBaseline )

#define ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED ( *g_engfuncs.pfnForceUnmodified )

#define PLAYER_CNX_STATS ( *g_engfuncs.pfnGetPlayerStats )


Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 06:42:

оОоО0... я ща добавил всяких прочих полезных инклюдов(
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "explode.h"

#include "player.h"
) и ошибок сразу стало снова много:
--------------------Configuration: hl - Win32 Release--------------------
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(29) : error C2039: 'deathtarget' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(31) : error C2039: 'target' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(31) : error C2039: 'deathtarget' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(32) : error C2065: 'G_UseTargets' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(36) : error C2065: 'VectorScale' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(36) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(37) : error C2065: 'VectorAdd' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(37) : error C2039: 'absmin' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(38) : error C2065: 'VectorCopy' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(38) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(38) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(40) : error C2039: 'takedamage' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(42) : error C2039: 'dmg' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(43) : error C2065: 'T_RadiusDamage' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(43) : error C2039: 'dmg' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(43) : error C2039: 'dmg' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(43) : error C2065: 'MOD_EXPLOSIVE' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2065: 'VectorSubtract' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(45) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(46) : error C2065: 'VectorNormalize' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(46) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(47) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(47) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(52) : error C2039: 'mass' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(62) : error C2065: 'crandom' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(65) : error C2065: 'ThrowDebris' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(81) : error C2039: 'dmg' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(82) : error C2065: 'BecomeExplosion1' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(84) : error C2065: 'G_FreeEdict' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(91) : error C2039: 'spawnflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(91) : error C2065: 'world' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(91) : error C2446: '==' : no conversion from 'int' to 'struct edict_s *'
Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(91) : error C2040: '==' : 'struct edict_s *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(93) : error C2065: 'VectorClear' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(93) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(94) : error C2039: 'avelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(95) : error C2039: 'moveinfo' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(95) : error C2228: left of '.current_speed' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(96) : error C2065: 'gi' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(96) : error C2228: left of '.linkentity' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(99) : error C2039: 'takedamage' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(101) : error C2039: 'teammaster' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(101) : error C2227: left of '->owner' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(102) : error C2039: 'teammaster' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(102) : error C2227: left of '->owner' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(104) : error C2039: 'owner' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2065: 'T_Damage' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2065: 'vec3_origin' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2039: 'teammaster' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2227: left of '->dmg' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(105) : error C2065: 'MOD_CRUSH' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(109) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(110) : error C2039: 'avelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(111) : error C2039: 'moveinfo' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(111) : error C2228: left of '.current_speed' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(112) : error C2039: 'moveinfo' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(112) : error C2228: left of '.state' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(113) : error C2228: left of '.linkentity' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(116) : error C2039: 'svflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(116) : error C2065: 'SVF_MONSTER' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(116) : error C2039: 'client' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(118) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(118) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(128) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'cplane_t'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(138) : error C2446: '==' : no conversion from 'int' to 'struct edict_s *'
Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(138) : error C2040: '==' : 'struct edict_s *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(138) : error C2039: 'spawnflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(140) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(141) : error C2039: 'avelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(142) : error C2039: 'moveinfo' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(142) : error C2228: left of '.current_speed' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(143) : error C2228: left of '.linkentity' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(145) : error C2039: 'owner' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(146) : error C2039: 'owner' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(147) : error C2039: 'takedamage' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(150) : error C2039: 'client' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(150) : error C2039: 'svflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(151) : error C2065: 'VectorLength' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(151) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(153) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(153) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(153) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(153) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(156) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(162) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(167) : error C2039: 'mass' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(167) : error C2039: 'mass' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(167) : error C2039: 'mass' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(167) : error C2039: 'mass' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(168) : error C2065: 'VectorMA' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(168) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(169) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(169) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(169) : error C2065: 'FRAMETIME' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(174) : error C2228: left of '.trace' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_vehicle.cpp(174) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(47) : error C2039: 'movetype' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(50) : error C2039: 'oldvelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(50) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(50) : error C2039: 'oldvelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(50) : error C2039: 'groundentity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(52) : error C2039: 'oldvelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(56) : error C2039: 'groundentity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(58) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(58) : error C2039: 'oldvelocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(63) : error C2039: 'waterlevel' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(65) : error C2039: 'waterlevel' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(67) : error C2039: 'waterlevel' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(75) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(75) : error C2228: left of '.event' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(75) : error C2065: 'EV_FOOTSTEP' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(81) : error C2065: 'level' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(81) : error C2228: left of '.time' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(81) : error C2065: 'FALL_TIME' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(85) : error C2039: 'pain_debounce_time' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(85) : error C2228: left of '.time' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(89) : error C2065: 'VectorSet' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(91) : error C2065: 'deathmatch' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(91) : error C2227: left of '->value' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(91) : error C2065: 'dmflags' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(91) : error C2227: left of '->value' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(91) : error C2065: 'DF_NO_FALLING' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2065: 'T_Damage' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2065: 'world' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2065: 'vec3_origin' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(92) : error C2065: 'MOD_FALLING' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(111) : error C2039: 'clipmask' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(112) : error C2039: 'clipmask' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(114) : error C2065: 'MASK_SOLID' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(115) : error C2039: 'solid' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(118) : error C2065: 'VectorAdd' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(118) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(118) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(118) : error C2039: 'origin_offset' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(119) : error C2065: 'VectorSubtract' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(119) : error C2039: 'mins' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(119) : error C2039: 'origin_offset' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(120) : error C2039: 'maxs' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(120) : error C2039: 'origin_offset' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(121) : error C2065: 'gi' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(121) : error C2228: left of '.trace' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2228: left of '.trace' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2039: 'mins' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2039: 'maxs' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(124) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(130) : error C2039: 'svflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(130) : error C2065: 'SVF_DEADMONSTER' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(130) : error C2039: 'client' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(130) : error C2039: 'svflags' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(130) : error C2065: 'SVF_MONSTER' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(155) : error C2065: 'VectorLength' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(155) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(155) : error C2065: 'sv_maxvelocity' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(155) : error C2227: left of '->value' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(157) : error C2065: 'VectorNormalize' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(157) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(158) : error C2065: 'VectorScale' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(158) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(158) : error C2227: left of '->value' must point to class/struct/union
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(158) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(173) : error C2039: 'nextthink' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(176) : error C2228: left of '.time' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(179) : error C2039: 'nextthink' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(180) : error C2039: 'think' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(181) : error C2228: left of '.error' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(181) : error C2039: 'classname' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(182) : error C2039: 'think' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(201) : error C2039: 'touch' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(201) : error C2039: 'solid' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(202) : error C2039: 'touch' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(202) : error C2039: 'surface' : is not a member of 'trace_t'
..\common\const.h(768) : see declaration of 'trace_t'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(204) : error C2039: 'touch' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(204) : error C2039: 'solid' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(205) : error C2039: 'touch' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(276) : error C2065: 'VectorCopy' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(276) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(277) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(282) : error C2039: 'groundentity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(286) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(286) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(286) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(288) : error C2228: left of '.trace' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(288) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(288) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(288) : error C2039: 'mins' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(288) : error C2039: 'maxs' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(292) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(298) : error C2039: 's' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(298) : error C2228: left of '.origin' must have class/struct/union type
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(299) : error C2039: 'velocity' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(312) : error C2039: 'movetype' : is not a member of 'edict_s'
..\engine\edict.h(18) : see declaration of 'edict_s'
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(312) : error C2065: 'MOVETYPE_CONVEYOR' : undeclared identifier
C:\HLSDK\MaxLife\dlls\g_phys.cpp(312) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
Error executing cl.exe.

hl.dll - 204 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 06:44:

А счего он взял, что это всё edict_s?????

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 06:47:

Не, всё таки нужен g_local... Хотя бы просто ознакомится, и вообще, я както не увидел в тех двух файлах класса func_vehicle.... Видимо прийдется писать самому, но я надеюсь он есть в g_local.h

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 07:19:

Ладно, я тогда попробую написать с нуля - так должно быть проще, .... но g_local бы мне не помешал....

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 08:48:

Где всё таки дефайны мувтайпов??? Это теперь у меня единственная ошибка....

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Старое сообщение 25-11-2009 05:48
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
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[1 награда]

MadKing ты вообще нормальный, не? Такие полотна на форум выкладывать?

Вложение: g_local.zip (17.1 кб)
Этот файл был скачан 264 раз.


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Старое сообщение 25-11-2009 06:56
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


MadKing в халфе нету "s." там "v." или - pev->
И вообще блин - неужто непонятно что делает VectorCopy и чем его заменить?
ладно бы ты про VectorMA спросил. Ты же элементарных вещей не знаешь и не понимаешь. Какие тебе нахрен исходники контры?

Добавлено 25-11-2009 в 11:45:

дефайны моветайпов в const.h но они тебе не помогут - халфа с ошибкой вылетит. Там думать надо.

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C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

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Старое сообщение 25-11-2009 08:45
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
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Сообщений: 90


Дядя Миша , я уж нашёл и оно вылетело.... хотя я просто заменил закоменченый мувтайп под себя и раскоментил....

Добавлено 26-11-2009 в 17:27:

Ладно я пока сам помозгую над своим собственным кодом, авсоь получится...

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Старое сообщение 26-11-2009 14:27
- За что?
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32213
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


MadKing писал:
авсоь получится...

не получится. Надо себе представлять внутреннее устройство физики движка, хотя бы на уровне первокваки. Лучше всего под физику машины подходит MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP (раз уж халфа не позволяет добавить свой MOVETYPE).

My Projects: download page

F.A.Q по XashNT
Блог разработчика в телеграме


C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

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Старое сообщение 26-11-2009 14:41
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Jun 2009
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 90


Ладно попробуем юзнуть

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Старое сообщение 28-11-2009 14:59
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