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HLFX.Ru Forum HLFX.Ru Forum > Разработка игр > Наши проекты > Xash3D > Half-life DLL Encryption informattion
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Дата регистрации: Mar 2012
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Half-Life Half-life DLL Encryption informattion

All half-life/cs/dod/tfc dll's are XORed with the letter 'W'

The file produced does not have an correct pe header when unxored, but you can use IDA/ hex editor to edit the dll with all the functions now visible.

Once you edit the dll re-encrypt it with W and it will load correctly in half-life with your new fixes.

I did this for the WON2 hw/sw.dll fixes:

I have brought this up once before but forgot to put the information in.

Lately i have seen alot of dumb topics by dumb people and decided to post this.
Download's needed:
1. IDA
2. hex editor
3. aluigii half-life decrypter http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/hldlldec.zip

i will not supply code for xoring and unxoring. If you cant code something that simple, you should not be messing around with anything here..
this is how i edit the hw/sw dll's

1. unxor hw.dll, rename to hw.dec.dll
2. use aluigi half-life dll decoder on hw.dll and rename to hw.aluigi.dll
3. Open hw.aluigi.dll in IDA
4. open hw.dec.dll in a hex editor
5. Find what you want to patch in hw.aluigi.dll and search for those bytes with your hex editor and edit hw.dec.dll
6. Re-XOR hw.dec.dll
7. rename to hw.dll
8. Load game and test

I did not want to share this, but this game is getting old and i want to see this engine succeed.

Have fun with this info.

Im sure some of you already knew this.

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Старое сообщение 03-02-2014 22:07
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Дата регистрации: Jan 2014
Проживает: (void)
Сообщений: 1


Cool, encrypt current cs1.6 client.dll please.. so we can use it on Xash engine.

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Старое сообщение 06-02-2014 15:46
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Дата регистрации: May 2011
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Сообщений: 23


Hmm I'm wondering, would it be possible to figure out the correct PE header info so the decrypted dll can be used all the time?

That would save the trouble to re-encrypt it everytime something was changed and would make it easier to analyze.

If its not possible, perhaps this information can be implemented in Xash so encrypted dll's can be loaded?

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Старое сообщение 16-03-2014 19:30
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Дата регистрации: May 2006
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Please encrypt Gunman Chronicles‎ dll


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Старое сообщение 17-03-2014 12:21
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