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HLFX.Ru Forum HLFX.Ru Forum > Теория и практика > Half-Life SDK > Re-spawning monsters in HL multiplayer?
Question on making the monsters re-spawn in multiplayer?
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Дата регистрации: Jan 2017
Проживает: Sofia
Сообщений: 63
Возраст: 34


Half-Life Re-spawning monsters in HL multiplayer?

Hello Team!

I know we have some awesome coders in this community, and I was wondering can someone give me a heads up at my struggle?

I'm trying to make a re-spawn functions for the monsters in Half-Life. The basic idea is simple and it has being implemented in some mods, unfortunately none of them are open sourced, and with no reference... I'm sort of in the dark.

I have a code for giving players points for killing monsters, different amount based on the monster killed, and I wanted to have the monsters re-spawn after some time after being killed.

Do you know of any good example I could use? Or maybe you know of a tutorial I probably missed?

Your comments and feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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Старое сообщение 28-10-2019 17:36
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

What type of respawn do you want to implement? Player-like (leave corpse and re-create monster) or resurrection-like (dead monster gets up)?


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Старое сообщение 28-10-2019 17:44

Дата регистрации: Jan 2017
Проживает: Sofia
Сообщений: 63
Возраст: 34


Leave corpse (or gibs) and re-create monster.

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Старое сообщение 28-10-2019 19:09
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

Then I suggest to start with something like this.
1) Remember the initial origin and angles of the monster in its Spawn() function:

C++ Source Code:
m_vecSpawnOrigin = pev->origin;
m_vecSpawnAngles = pev->angles;

2) In TASK_DIE handler, replace:
C++ Source Code:
if ( ShouldFadeOnDeath() )
  // this monster was created by a monstermaker... fade the corpse out.
  // body is gonna be around for a while, so have it stink for a bit.
  CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( bits_SOUND_CARCASS, pev->origin, 384, 30 );

C++ Source Code:
CBaseEntity::Create( pev->classname, m_vecSpawnOrigin,m_vecSpawnAngles , pev->owner );

This will immediately respawn the monster at the original position, and fade out the corpse to eventually free up an edict (otherwise, you'll run out of them).
You can also add a check for multiplayer or gamerules (g_pGamerules->IsMultiplayer() or custom), and make a respawn delay by moving this code to a separate exported think function and using SetThink() with pev->nextthink with the respawn delay.


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Старое сообщение 29-10-2019 05:55
Житель форума

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Napoleon321 писал:
The basic idea is simple and it has being implemented in some mods

What mods are you referring to? Maybe they just use monstermaker with infinite monster count and max living monsters set to 1?

XaeroX, I think this method will work only for non-gibbed monsters, since gibbing deletes the entity. Also this does not preserve special monsters settings (like weapons, spawnflags, etc.).

I'm on github
I'm on opendesktop.org

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Старое сообщение 29-10-2019 09:02
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

FreeSlave писал:
will work only for non-gibbed monsters, since gibbing deletes the entity

If TASK_DIE is not run on gibbage, then one should tackle that by adding the monster creation code to the other place, e.g. to GibMonster().
FreeSlave писал:
Also this does not preserve special monsters settings (like weapons, spawnflags, etc.).

Yes, they should be copied in the same way as origin and angles.
That's why I wrote "to start with".


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Старое сообщение 29-10-2019 09:16

Дата регистрации: Jan 2017
Проживает: Sofia
Сообщений: 63
Возраст: 34


Thank you for all the feedback.

FreeSlave, I'm referring to Scientist Hunt, I'm sure for this one it's not the monster make thing... since the barney re-spawns on crossfire... and he\s not made with monster-maker there.

Back on the topic or the code: I presume a similar thing is done for the re-spawning of the weapons and the ammo items... still I was not able to completely grasp the concept.

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Сообщение: 185569

Старое сообщение 29-10-2019 17:06
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Житель форума

Дата регистрации: Sep 2013
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mostermaker? entity


перехожу на другой двиг

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Старое сообщение 12-11-2019 18:54
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Question on making the monsters re-spawn in multiplayer?
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