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О Devil May Cry и прочих character action

Ну знаете, экшены-слэшеры с видом от третьего лица. Дьявольский Плач Мэя, Байонетта и прочие товарищи. Игры, в которых можно бежать по стене, стреляя из двух пистолетов, спрыгнуть к врагу, ударом меча послать его в воздух, пулями удерживать там, подпрыгнуть к нему и кастетом отправить обратно на пол, приземлиться к нему и добив еще чем-нибудь. И все это не quick-time events, а вводится вручную.

Так вот, просматривал тут всякую документацию и озадачился, сколько там подноготной.

На примере того же DMC3 (кстати мне его удобнее было на клавиатуре, чем на геймпаде).

У врагов есть такие состояния в процессе происходящего:


Hit stun: Any hit on an enemy that makes the enemy wince or slow down during
an attack. There are differing levels of hit stuns in the game, varying with
each enemy. Hit stun allows you to transition from ground hits to ground hits

Major Stun: Usually followed by a powerful hit (or a large group of medium
level hits), not knocking the enemy away or up, but causing the enemy to
falter back some and leave a large gap of opening in between. Enemies that go
into a major stun usually retaliate pretty quickly. Many enemies and bosses
follow a major stun of many varieties.

Guard Stun: Whenever an enemy guard, it will go into a stationary stance and
will not take any additional damage from your attacks (some moves do
penetrate guard with chip damage). Any hit during a guard will be a guard
stun, and will merely prolong the state and negate your attacks. Some guards
can be cancelled into Auto-Parries or Perfect Impacts.

Auto-Parry: Almost always follows either a hit stun or a guard stun, this
allows the enemy to completely turn the tide of battle. An Auto-Parry is
signalled by a large blue flash, something that many players have noticed
during battles with certain enemies. An Auto-Parry will cause you to be at a
frame disadvantage, but since no enemy in the game (aside from Vergil's
double Hightime slash) has a move fast enough to take advantage of these
frames, you can usually counter with a move fast enough.

Perfect Impacts: Always following an AP, some higher level enemies and bosses
will go into a state of clashing known as Perfect Impacts. At this point, the
enemy will go into a repeating cycle, trying to hit you with moves that have
built in AP's. You can continue to counter attack for additional style
points, or sometimes after a certain number of PI's, you can completely
disable their defenses

Air Stun: Air stun is basically the aerial version of hit stun in the air.
During an air stun, an enemy will take a wide variety of air based attacks as
inputted by the player. Most higher level enemies can break out of air stuns
if sloppiness is shown.

Jump/Falling animation: During an offensive or zoning manuever, an enemy will
usually jump to get close to you. The jump is very high and slow, giving you
enough oppurtunity to intercept. During this animation, an enemy hit will go
into a very minor air stun though continuing hit will convert that air stun
into major status.

Downed/Fallen: After most knockback attacks or powerful moves, a lower
classed enemy falls down almost completely incapacitated. This will start
combo hits known as OTG (off the ground aka okizeme) and will continue until
the enemy recovers. This state is not limited to just regular enemies, even
the most powerful of bosses go into a Downed state.

Face-downed: Lower-leveled enemies can be knocked down from the rear side
which causes them to fall flat on their face. A Face-downed enemy will remain
on the ground longer than a Downed enemy and will recover slower. Face-downed
is only limited to some juggleable enemies.

Wall Stun: Exclusive to juggleable enemies, a wall stun is major stun
animation that results from the knockback effect of colliding with a wall. An
enemy will cease to move and simply drag across the wall while slowly
falling. The wall hit is added to the damage slightly, and the falling
animation can be exploited for even nastier set ups.

Crumple Stun: An obcenely massive stun that causes the enemy to be
immobilized, double over and crumple to the floor very slowly. Similar to the
Wall Stun, only much greater. Crumple stun is not limited to just juggleable
enemies, some bosses go into crumple stun also.

Scared tactics: Something that is very amusing put into DMC3, that really
gets your adrenaline rushing. Scared tactics are only followed by enemies,
not bosses. Whenever a group of enemy is completely decimated infront of the
eyes of it's brethrens, the remaining enemies start to take steps back
usually in a pseudo-Guard state (not a complete guard stun since they are
trembling). Scared tactics are very common during SSStylish combos, and apply
to all enemies that come in groups of 3 or more.

Recovery animation: This animation covers a large portion of animations
employed by all the enemies in the game. Whenever an enemy goes into an sort
of stun or stature, they will go into a phase of recovery to continue the
offensive. These range from simple getting up on one's feet, to creating a
large energy light around oneself or teleporting away etc. Check the "Enemy
Analysis" for more details.

Weakspot: Some enemies in the game have certain weakspots that can be
exploited for more damage than normal. Weakspots are essential in defeating
the higher leveled bosses in the game, every bit of extra damage helps.
Weakspot is analagous with "weak state", where the boss/enemy takes more
damage than normal

Elemental Affliction: A lot of enemies and bosses are weak against certain
elements in the game, most commonly the 3 elements: Fire, Ice and Light. If
an enemy is attacked with an elemental attack, then the power of the attack
is increased by 20% (rough estimate). Some enemies even have double elemental


И еще куча всего если рассматривать боевую систему и т.д.

Возникает ощущение, что накодить всю систему эту им было явно муторнее чем если бы, грубо говоря, клон Дума делали (ну в дум хотя бы у врагов Pain был параметр)

А еще в этих гамах игроки часто юзают всякие "отмены". В смысле, отмены
фреймов анимации. Чтобы вместо того, чтобы ждать пока ты закончишь взмах меча и только после этого ударить, сделать так чтоб ты пнул сразу, не дожидаясь конца анимации.

Dr. Bowman: "So what was it?"
Sly: "Anachronox! Man, you guys are dumb."
Dr. Bowman: "But... You said it started with a 'U'."
Sly: "Yeah I know."

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Старое сообщение 03-11-2017 12:32
- За что?
 Дядя Миша
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Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
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qishmish писал:
Возникает ощущение, что накодить всю систему эту им было явно муторнее чем если бы, грубо говоря, клон Дума делали

Дело в том, что если есть какая-то уже полюбившаяся людям вещь (необязательно игра), то они не приемлют всяких клонов и поделок на ту же тему. Вот взять айфон. Уж как нонеймы и маститые китайцы корейцы, делали почти всё тоже самое и даже лучше, а народ плевать хотел на их потуги. С играми тоже самое нельзя. Это в полной мере на своей шкуре ещё Эпики прочувствовали, когда делали из унреала убийцу первокваки, а получилась полнейшная хренотень со скаржами. А вот заморочились и сделали Unreal Tournament 99 и сразу же вышло мега-годное мочилово.
То есть эти разрабы они может быть и рады бы сделать клон мясного дума, только он нахрен никому не нужен, поэтому приходится кодить умных врагов.
qishmish писал:
А еще в этих гамах игроки часто юзают всякие "отмены". В смысле, отмены
фреймов анимации.

Зависит от того, насколько сильно анимация управляет ИИ. Кто над кем главенствует, вообщем. Самая глубокая заморочка на эту тему была в первокваке, там поведение монстра можно было расписать на каждый кадр анимации. Благо самих кадров было немного.

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C:\DOCUME~1\C4C5~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\a33328if(72) : see declaration of 'size_t'

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Старое сообщение 09-11-2017 15:56
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