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-- How to compile with compatibility for XASH3D and Linux? (https://hlfx.ru/forum/showthread.php?threadid=5664)

Отправлено Napoleon321 27-05-2021 в 11:03:

Question How to compile with compatibility for XASH3D and Linux?

Hello Team,

I'm wondering if we have any good tutorials or documentation on how to compile a mod for Half-Life to be compatible with XASH3D and Linux?

I was looking around for any good documentation on the process... but either I'm looking on the wrong places or I'm searching incorrectly...

I would like to have support on my mod for XASH3D, however if I follow the default installation the mod simply does not start. I mean I go in the select screen, then I select create game etc, but it simply does not allow me to start the game.

Regarding the Linux support, well I would like to be able to provide support for Linux dedicated servers...

Thanks in advance.

FlatLine Arena | Tutorials

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Отправлено Ku2zoff 27-05-2021 в 11:38:

Use Xash3D FWGS. Otherwise, you need to compile two versions of client.dll: without SDL2 and with the support of old VGUI1 for vanilla Xash3D, or with SDL2 and with the support of new VGUI1 for Steam version GoldSRC.

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