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Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 19:38:

Paranoia renderer implement

Helloz !

Paranoia renderer is such cool thing and having it in your mod can save a lot of worktime on codding the special graphics effect and such. Since i saw that not many, well kind of 20% (clearly) of nowadays mods have this renderer coded in i decided that i will implement it, make some adjustments and upload it for community to save implementation time (like with bitching about water shader code, where to get it and such).

Minor changes :

- New bump-mapping directory.
- New specular maps directory.
- New precache messages.
+ global assessment of available extensions at end of their check sequence.
- Paranoia's subtitles [Alex Gordon's tutor ]

New bump's directory is now : ..\materials\normalmap

New speculars's directory is now : ..\materials\specular

Source code
Compiled DLLS

If the links are dead then tell me and i will reupload them.

Good luck and have fun !

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Отправлено с@ш@ халфер 02-03-2011 в 19:59:

ААААААААА ну может создадим ветку для английского языка,а??

Глупый юзер

Кто написал^^^

Тот сам такой...

Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 20:12:

supra36 TGA decals work?

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 20:18:

Well i do not know, i just used tutorial from cs-mapping and made minor changes. Just check out

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 20:19:

supra36 писал:
Well i do not know, i just used tutorial from cs-mapping and made minor changes. Just check out

k, will do now, but i think i need to get Paranoia mod for it, yeah?

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 20:22:

Nope. Only flashlight tga files which you can make by yourself, and save them to gfx folder.

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 20:29:

Downloading Paranoia, i think i need to have hacked paranoia OpenGL32.dll for it, also tga blood textures etc.

Добавлено 02-03-2011 в 23:29:

Anyway it works, i have debug data in console also i don't see default decals from WAD.

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 20:54:

Ah yes, my bad that i forgot about opengl32.dll

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 20:56:

Well, i see that flashlight actually works, but i don't see any new tga decals, also ALL decals gone ( blood, scorches ) even .wad decals don't work.

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 20:58:

Great Scott () ! The fix, i forgot to add the fix. I will do that, but tommorow. Can't today and i will notify about that.

Meanwhile, find in util.cpp

Vector UTIL_RandomBloodVector

and replace lines on these after that :


But the flashlight is pure awesomness, i didn't notice missed decals at all

By the way, if i will fix the stuff can someone be so nice and stick this thread ? Or i have to work a bit more to have sticked threads ?

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 21:13:

C++ Source Code:
error C2660: 'UTIL_CustomDecal' : function does not take 2 parameters

Добавлено 03-03-2011 в 00:13:

Now i have
C++ Source Code:
util.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int gmsgCustomDecal" (?gmsgCustomDecal@@3HA)

well, it seems i need to fix it by myself.

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 21:17:


extern void UTIL_CustomDecal( TraceResult *pTrace, const char *name, int persistent = 0 );

to the util.cpp

but i have no clue about how to fix this unresolved external, sorries

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 21:22:

Lol how it even need to work, message gmsgCustomDecal is not in code i need to add it by myself

Добавлено 03-03-2011 в 00:22:

supra36 писал:
but i have no clue about how to fix this unresolved external, sorries

No worries, mate.

Gunship Stuff

Отправлено supra36 02-03-2011 в 21:22:

I know ! Go to player.cpp and define new integer :

int gmsgCustomDecal = 0; // buz

This unresolved external, this is just an undeclared message at server side

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Отправлено GuNsHiP 02-03-2011 в 21:27:

You forgot that this message is missing

I will try now fix this.

А Дядя Миша сидит и тихо наблюдает над тем, как два нубокодера страдают хернёй

Gunship Stuff

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