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Отправлено Burner 17-12-2014 в 00:42:

Question Some questions about Xash

Hello everybody. Im Burner, developer of The Volcano, mod of Half-Life and not long time I found this engine that is very awesome.
So finally we decided to make our mod in this engine because has many features for what we are looking for. But I have some questions:

1. About env_fog. This feature was cuted? Because I don't see it in *fgd and in source codes too, it not exist;

2. func_water. In this video water looks more realistic, but in my mod looks like this:

and without underwater fog effect, because that was cuted

Same thing with the flashlight, in this video looks more realistic, and on my mod looks normal:

3. In goldsrc when I put a custom color decal in decals.wad and I use that decal in level design, that works to be colored in game, but here in Xash is monochrome;

And the last question its about coding, My mod in xashXT now that folder its called volcano, works on Xash3D, everythings its fine, but, when I working in Xash3D source codes to implement this feature , that's working just in Xash3D not in XashXT (my mod) too... what is the deal?

I put some screenshots with my directoryes and gameinfo.txt from both folders, maybe its something wrong:

Main directory: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10816123_831519533574550_314096744_n.jpg?oh=0736af6b3b023fdb23bf3864c7551e22&oe=54931AD3&__gda__=1418919566_825aa8501634f2706ccc57e54b112c05

"volcano"directory (xashXT): https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10850577_831519403574563_300095393_n.jpg?oh=3fe99788e92272b91de16da27055178c&oe=54935AA0&__gda__=1418924223_5b02e553c58a8d2221a5a03e4cda3c79

"valve" directory (xash3d): https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10859761_831519406907896_107290663_n.jpg?oh=c46b8e384691d216bca0049c38736b15&oe=54930CA9&__gda__=1418942326_b7b10a775a5187f760b99bbf096a165f

If anybody can help me, I'll be grateful!

Отправлено thambs 17-12-2014 в 05:02:


you should go to http://cs-mapping.com.ua/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=189 because main developer left this forum


Отправлено Burner 17-12-2014 в 09:49:

Uh, ok thanks!

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