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-- Coding question: Have anyone implemented overview system in their mod? (https://hlfx.ru/forum/showthread.php?threadid=5671)

Отправлено Napoleon321 26-06-2021 в 17:14:

Half-Life Coding question: Have anyone implemented overview system in their mod?

I'm wondering if anyone has ever implemented overview system for their multiplayer mod? (I'm talking about the fancy map overview that the spectators or the dead players can look at while dead).

I'm trying to implement it for my mod - FlatLine Arena (for teamplay and last man standing gamemodes...) with little to no success... and any help (hints or maybe tutorials?) would be really appreciated.

FlatLine Arena | Tutorials

If you don't like something, MOD it!

Отправлено Ku2zoff 27-06-2021 в 04:07:

Map overview is the standard feature since HLSDK 2.0 release. (Since the spectator mode and VGUI 1 were implemented). HLSDK 2.3 and 2.4 have full support of all spec modes, except for some minor features, that available in CS.

Добавлено 27-06-2021 в 11:07:


Standard Steam Half-Life specator Free Look mode with map overview inside "inset view" viewport.

Отправлено Napoleon321 27-06-2021 в 05:49:

Interesting... Didn't knew that...

Ku2zoff, this may sound stupid from my part... but how to call this routine in mod base of SDK 2.3?

I mean when the player dies to get in that state?

FlatLine Arena | Tutorials

If you don't like something, MOD it!

Отправлено Ku2zoff 27-06-2021 в 09:50:

Well. The way is to call CBasePlayer::StartObserver after player's deaths, and implement new function like StopObserver to set player->pev->iuser (observer mode number) to 0, when player respawns.
Just to test observer mode you need to set cvar allow_spectators to 1 and execute console command "spectate". I recommend totally cut allow_spectators cvar from game libraries, it's useless.

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