Xash3D 0.95 started at Oct11 2013 [23:52.20]
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading xash.dll - ok
FS_Init: done
FS_LoadGameInfo( xash )
FS_Rescan( New Game )
Adding wadfile valve/cached.wad (2 files)
Adding wadfile valve/decals.wad (222 files)
Adding wadfile valve/fonts.wad (3 files)
Adding wadfile valve/gfx.wad (7 files)
Adding wadfile valve/halflife.wad (3116 files)
Adding wadfile valve/liquids.wad (32 files)
Adding wadfile valve/spraypaint.wad (14 files)
Adding wadfile valve/tempdecal.wad (1 files)
Adding wadfile valve/xeno.wad (264 files)
InitDecals: 222 decals
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading wsock32.dll - ok
Console initialized.
execing video.cfg
execing opengl.cfg
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading opengl32.dll - ok
Set: Mode 7: 4x3 [1280x1024]
VID_ChoosePFD( color 24, alpha 8, depth 32, stencil 8 )
VID_ChoosePFD: using hardware acceleration
GL PFD: color( 32-bits ) alpha( 8-bits ) Z( 24-bit )
VID_StartupGamma: validate screen gamma - ok
GL_CheckExtension: OpenGL 1.1.0 - enabled
Video: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
GL_CheckExtension: OpenGL Internal ProcAddress - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: WGL_EXT_swap_control - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: glDrawRangeElements - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_multitexture - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture3D - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_point_parameters - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_compression - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_blend_minmax - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_blend_subtract - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: glStencilOpSeparate - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_stencil_two_side - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_add - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shader_objects - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shading_language_100 - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_vertex_shader - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_fragment_shader - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_depth_texture - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shadow - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_occlusion_query - enabled
GL_Upload: *white s&3 [1 x 1]
GL_Upload: *gray s&3 [1 x 1]
GL_Upload: *black s&3 [1 x 1]
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading ../menu.dll - ok
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading avifil32.dll - ok
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading msvfw32.dll - ok
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading msacm32.dll - ok
AVI_Initailize: done
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/min_n s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/min_f s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/min_d s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cls_n s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cls_f s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cls_d s&3 [19 x 19]
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading dlls/hl.dll - ok
Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading dlls/hl.dll
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading dsound.dll - ok
SNDDMA_InitDirect: creating DS object - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: initialize
DS_CreateBuffers: setting EXCLUSIVE coop level - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: creating primary buffer - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: setting primary sound format - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: creating secondary buffer - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: using secondary sound buffer
Audio: DirectSound
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading cl_dlls/client.dll - ok
CL_LoadProgs: failed to get address of HUD_ChatInputPosition proc
CL_LoadProgs: failed to get address of HUD_GetPlayerTeam proc
CL_LoadProgs: failed to get address of HUD_ClipMoveToEntity proc
TextMessage: parsed 143 text messages
CL: hull0, player_mins: -16 -16 -36, player_maxs: 16 16 36
CL: hull1, player_mins: -16 -16 -18, player_maxs: 16 16 18
CL: hull2, player_mins: 0 0 0, player_maxs: 0 0 0
CL_LoadProgs: initailized extended RenderAPI ver. 26
fmod.dll not installed
opengl32.dll loaded succesfully!
GL_CheckExtension: OpenGL 1.1.0 - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: OpenGL ProcAddress - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: glDrawRangeElements - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_multitexture - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture3D - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_point_parameters - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_compression - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_blend_minmax - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_blend_subtract - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: glStencilOpSeparate - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_EXT_stencil_two_side - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_vertex_program - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_fragment_program - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_texture_env_add - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shader_objects - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shading_language_100 - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_vertex_shader - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_fragment_shader - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_depth_texture - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_shadow - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_occlusion_query - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: GL_ARB_framebuffer_object - enabled
GL_CheckExtension: PARANOIA_HACKS_V1 - enabled
Shader log 1

Shader log 2

Shader log 4

Shader log 5

Shader log 7

Shader log 8

Shader log 10

Shader log 11

Shader log 13

Shader log 14

Shader log 16

Shader log 17

execing config.cfg
couldn't exec userconfig.cfg
execing valve.rc
execing language.cfg
couldn't exec joystick.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
execing violence.cfg
execing config.cfg
couldn't exec userconfig.cfg
FS_OpenStream: couldn't open "media/gamestartup"
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_upmenu1"
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_select2"
>\ümap xashmodbumptestv1
DS_DestroyBuffers: shutdown
DS_DestroyBuffers: setting NORMAL coop level
DS_DestroyBuffers: stopping and releasing sound buffer
DS_DestroyBuffers: releasing primary buffer
DS_DestroyBuffers: shutdown
DS_DestroyBuffers: setting NORMAL coop level
DS_CreateBuffers: initialize
DS_CreateBuffers: setting EXCLUSIVE coop level - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: creating primary buffer - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: creating secondary buffer - ok
DS_CreateBuffers: using secondary sound buffer
>\map xashmodbumpv1
Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading dlls/hl.dll - ok
SV_LoadProgs: initailized extended EntityAPI ver. 140
SV_LoadProgs: initailized extended PhysicAPI ver. 6
Dll loaded for mod Half-Life
SV: hull0, player_mins: -16 -16 -36, player_maxs: 16 16 36
SV: hull1, player_mins: -16 -16 -18, player_maxs: 16 16 18
SV: hull2, player_mins: 0 0 0, player_maxs: 0 0 0
Spawn Server: xashmodbumpv1
Mod_LoadModel: maps/xashmodbumpv1.bsp
SV_SpawnEntities( xashmodbumpv1 )
execing skill.cfg
couldn't exec game.cfg

Mod_LoadModel: models/w_suit.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_battery.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_antidote.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_security.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_longjump.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_shotgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_shotgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_shotgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/shotgunshell.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_shotbox.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_crowbar.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crowbar.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_crowbar.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_9mmhandgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmhandgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_9mmhandgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/shell.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmclip.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_9mmAR.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmAR.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_9mmAR.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/grenade.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_9mmARclip.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_ARgrenade.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_357.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_357.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_357.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_357ammobox.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_gauss.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_gauss.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_gauss.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/hotglow.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/smoke.spr
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_gaussammo.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_rpg.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_rpg.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_rpg.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/laserdot.spr
Mod_LoadModel: models/rpgrocket.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_rpgammo.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crossbow.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_crossbow.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_crossbow.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/crossbow_bolt.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/streak.spr
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_crossbow_clip.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_egon.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_egon.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_egon.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/xbeam1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/XSpark1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_tripmine.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_tripmine.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_satchel.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_satchel_radio.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_satchel.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_satchel.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_satchel_radio.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_grenade.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_grenade.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_grenade.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_sqknest.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_squeak.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_squeak.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_squeak.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/v_hgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/w_hgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/p_hgun.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/hornet.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muz1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/laserbeam.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/zerogxplode.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/WXplo1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/steam1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/bubble.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/bloodspray.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/blood.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/explode1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: models/player.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/hgibs.mdl
Mod_LoadModel: models/agibs.mdl

0 entities inhibited
Total 20 entities spawned
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash1.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash2.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/muzzleflash3.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/animglow01.spr
Mod_LoadModel: sprites/richo1.spr
Game started
SV_ConnectionlessPacket: loopback : connect
CL_ConnectionlessPacket: loopback : client_connect
Spooling demo header.
Serverdata packet received.
CL_PrepSound: xashmodbumpv1
CL_PrepVideo: xashmodbumpv1
Loading deluxe map: "maps/xashmodbumpv1.dlit" - loaded succesfully.
Error: R_SetupSky: missed or incomplete skybox 'xcbs'
Warning: FS_LoadImage: couldn't load "gfx/chrome"
level loaded at 1.08 sec
Firing: (game_playerspawn)
Mod_LoadModel: models/player/robo/robo.mdl
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_upmenu1"
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_select2"
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cb_empty s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cb_over s&3 [19 x 19]
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_glow1"
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cb_down s&3 [19 x 19]
GL_Upload: gfx/shell/cb_checked s&3 [19 x 19]
Warning: FS_LoadSound: couldn't load "media/launch_dnmenu1"
Sys_Crash: call 077F738D at address C0000005
Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading xash.dll

Xash3D 0.95 crashed at Oct11 2013 [23:53.55]