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Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


Assault-Strike , The Cooperative Mod , is Made Available for ALL ["c8

the mod size is a bit heavy for an Half-Life Mod : 3 Giga ...
1.2 Giga for the 474 Maps
0.9 Giga for the 1439 models

to make it easy to have fun quickly , there are three mapcycles themed with mods [220 maps], maps [180 maps] and horror [60 maps] . one is called nextmap to quickly terminate current , you can reuse it for a new time limit or others settings . the map is also used to prevent "bypass of map" , svencoop engine change nextmap il will load , when players reach map changelevel position so i added nextmap when its a serial of maps . if serial has 3 maps then mapcycle launches first and 2 nextmap , some will learn how many maps they could play if they do not reach the end of map before timelimit ;']

mapcycle_mods.txt plays maps of half-life and opposing-force "extended" with some azure-sheep and decay maps , case-closed , earthquake test center and operation black-thunder . hl campain may need to have seen half-life done quick to open closed doors ...
mapcycle_maps.txt has most of the well known and good maps of svencoop mods ; see the details of maps in maps_order.htm in the mod folder
mapcycle_horror.txt has maps that are "complete conversion" : tetris, toorun , reco...and also

the maps that need some jumping skills like in escape .
these maps-files are also having distincts config files so three servers can be launched at once , by default servers use 27006-8 27016-8 and 27026-8 ports if server is on internet open these ports .

for windows :

start hlds.exe -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map escape_series_2a +exec server_horror.cfg +interp

start hlds.exe -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map blackfacility.bsp +exec server_maps.cfg +interp

start hlds.exe -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map e5m5_new +exec server_mods.cfg +interp

linux :

./hlds_run -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map escape_series_2a +exec server_horror.cfg +interp

./hlds_run -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map blackfacility.bsp +exec server_maps.cfg +interp

./hlds_run hlds.exe -console -netthread -game astrike +maxplayers 2 -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -tos -noipx -nomaster +map e5m5_new +exec server_mods.cfg +interp

read the readme_linux.txt to learn more about linux and setup . the -nomaster will make your server hidden from unknow players , can be useful at the begining when setting server up .

think of changing the "mp_timelimit 1" in maps_exec_*.cfg as well as the rcon password in autoexec.cfg . make the update of the password in your files for playing so you will be able to send rcon commands to server and also to update the admins.txt with your steamid .

players will not be able to play as much maps , half of them and then a crash ...
it is due to the fact that more files are loaded per maps .
there is a hl_player.bat that optional parameters to launch game , you should add : -netthread -insecure -heapsize 1310720 -num_edicts 3072 -preload -nohltv -noipx -nojoy
there is a folder : astrike_downloads because of the soundlist that is downloaded at each connection , it can have undeleted txt files in astrike_downloads\maps\soundcache , that happens if you connect to a server while it is showing scores at end of map : it forgives to delete .

you should be able to download mod files from moddb page : http://www.moddb.com/mods/assault-strike/downloads , i made two folders at Mega with files for windows and linux
the archives are the same and are made to make easier the install .

windows A-S

linux A-S

i advise to use google-chrome to download the files from this hoster .

last thing about metamod and fmodex dlls , they are latest . make backup of fmodex.dll in case this one breaks your other mod [try once if your mod support the provided dll can be a good idea, if that works ]

have good times playing that great mods with nice maps and wonderful models designed and

released by many modelers , that you can find at moddb or elsewhere ;']

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Сообщение: 121142

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 07:29
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34573
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

sixcentgeorge писал:
1.2 Giga for the 474 Maps

How many NEW maps are in there?


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Сообщение: 121143

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 07:30
Житель форума

Дата регистрации: Apr 2007
Проживает: Москва
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пацаны, расходимся, нас опять э... обманули.

Вся сила лысого кощея,
Сокрыта в башне из костей
Воздвигнутой, под небесами
На месте похорон людей

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Сообщение: 121144

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 07:43
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Житель форума

Дата регистрации: May 2006
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Сообщений: 5127


Много текста на англ. не стал читать. Очередной школьник наверно. Нет что бы нормально тему оформить. Так лучше понаписать кучу текста из которого ничерта не понятно.


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Сообщение: 121149

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 09:25
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мразь конченная

Дата регистрации: Mar 2006
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SD-pack brain damage detected


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Сообщение: 121151

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 09:32
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Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34573
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

sixcentgeorge - это Бумер, что ли? Налицо ассоциация с 50-cent, которая, как известно, была его любимой группой. Да и карты из чужих модов как бы намекают.


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Сообщение: 121153

Старое сообщение 05-06-2013 09:38
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


like i wrote , i use svencoop engine....despite i asked here for "someone" or "else" to help to make a new one based on what is made here .

i used a lot of models from a lot of mods and a lot of models-pack . i did some models like the one "thambs" shows , it is an updated w_sven_pickup.mdl that i was able to build thanks to the compiler of uncle-misha in xash .
may be you should post a picture of both files and their nearly 40 models inside to be more "Fair"

i reworked all maps at the ent level and used tools to remove triangles .
i mostly did the mods map with adding monsters and compatible with sc3 or sc47
except case-closed or etc plus few from opposing-force svencoop like the train ride or the map they made to "bypass" the "rope" zone [of2a2] .
so around 200 maps out of the serial of 220...

the mod is also made for playing good old maps with updated models and engine .
by the way may be "someone" and "else" [in here] will work together and create an updated engine for a better rendering...?
i ll check it

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Сообщение: 121188

Старое сообщение 06-06-2013 07:14
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Кот Арсис

Дата регистрации: Aug 2006
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Сообщений: 12941
Возраст: 32


Суть темы такова - пасечник сделал пак для свенкоопа, и теперь ищет кодера который сможет прикрутить графические плюшки к его "моду".

Весь остальной текст - рекомендации к запуску.

У котёнка мокрый нос и гладенькая шерсть, у него забавный хвост и быстрых лапок шесть. Две задних, две средних и две передних лапы, такая многоножка получилася у папы.
Он ученый — папа мой — зверушек изучает, гуляет по помойкам, ловит крыс и чаек. Две крысы белокрылые и чайки две унылые покрытые пупырчатою кожей лягушат без пёрышек тоскуют и ускакать спешат.
А ещё есть муравей большой размером с гуся он пугает всех зверей, и я его боюся, когда он ковыляет на лапках на своих.
И в двери ударяет, и начинает стих: Я — муравей, воды налей! Не меньше ведра, напиться мне пора!

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Сообщение: 121194

Старое сообщение 06-06-2013 09:12
- За что?
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


google traductor does not make what you wrote very clear .

i do not care that much about a coder , having the gpu rendering of Half-Life FX and the use of PhysX by Project Xash would have the "cherry on the cake" : in french that means sort of caviar in a great meal .

but , despite all coders here, no one did anything .
may be someone will , now , that the mod is made .

i wait hl3 to do something new in mod . for this one , i am making a live linux server like i did before for css or l4d-2 :

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Сообщение: 121231

Старое сообщение 07-06-2013 05:37
- За что?
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


have you read the news recently and played hl on steam these days ?

pcgamer announce that : Half-Life co-op mod getting revamped, will find a home on Steam

they do mistake thinking it is from svencoop : the revamped hl coop , i send them an email about that mistake ...
by the way the cocksucker of moddb has deleted my mod this week , they want to get the money and my work for free these bastards . i hope they will fail.

in what is said by the noobs from svencoop , valve has offered them to work with their latest sources of engine . but nothing from valve confirms that .
from the history point of view : sc 4,7 was made in 2012 , then my mod the 5 of june , a month later sc 4.8 as a surprise update and two weeks later the "announcement" .

my mod is so close to sc that valve asked the wrong personns.....
by the way no problemo and as i already offered to XaeroX and Misha , i do it again "with more in my hand" ...
are you still not so much interrested by my mod ???
i am still sure we could team to create a super top mod .
have a great summer boy$ 8"]

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Старое сообщение 04-08-2013 15:23
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